Dairy Workers Union Win Union Recognition

The month-long lockout of workers at Talleys-owned Open Country Cheese is over after workers have secured their goal of a collective employment agreement to cover their jobs. 

Read more: Dairy Workers Union Win Union Recognition

Socialist Appeal Magazine - Issue #2- Out Now !

Order your copy of Socialist Appeal now.  Issue #2 is available over the summer months.

Read more: Socialist Appeal Magazine - Issue #2- Out Now !

UNITE Files for Referendum on Minimum Wage

Proposed Referendum Wording

"Should the minimum wage be raised to $25 a hour and then in steps over the next three years until it reaches two-thirds of the average ordinary time hourly rate as recommended by the 1973 Royal Commission into Social Security"?


Read more: UNITE Files for Referendum on Minimum Wage

Them & Us

Americans Searchingsocialism”


Literally, Americans are searching for the meaning of socialism. In a year marked by the beginning of the economic crisis in the US, the online edition of the Merrian-Webster dictionary announced that the Word of the Year 2008 was ... bailout. Many of the other words in the list of the ten with the "the highest intensity of lookups on Merriam-Webster Online over the shortest period of time" were related either to the economic crisis and the uncertainty this generates (turmoil, precipice, rogue) and the US presidential election (maverick, bipartisan).

But number three in the list came the word socialism. Merrian-Webster Online claims traffic to their site "now exceeds 125 million individual page views per month", so that means many millions of US citizens are searching for the meaning of socialism. Surely a sign of the times!



Read more: Them & Us

From Social Security to Charity

On July 20th, 2009, the Business Roundtable put forward its ideas about social security.

Their programme was radical to say the least. In a nutshell, their proposal is to delegate the provision of welfare to organisations such as churches, iwi and other non-government organisations.


Read more: From Social Security to Charity